
Left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht’s working day is marked by applause and admiration but also doubts and intrigues. This film follows her and her team: from the 2017 election campaign to her withdrawal from political leadership in 2019.

11 Colours of the Bird

A behind-the-scenes look at the 11-year process it took to make The Painted Bird, which has left its mark on European and world festivals. The narratives of director Václav Marhoul and actor Petr Kotlár weave their way through the various periods of the film's creation, offering their subjective views from the beginning to the last flap of a year and a half long shoot.

A Mermaid in Paris

A man rescues a mermaid in Paris and slowly falls in love with her.

Being at Home with Claude

A close interrogation between a police commissioner and Yves, a young escort living between alcohol, drugs and prostitution, who denounced himself of Claude's murder. What are the reasons that led Yves to kill Claude, a good boy with whom he had a relationship? The surprising and exciting answer will only be discovered at the end.

Big Brother: A World Under Surveillance

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism or crime, the major powers have embarked on a dangerous race for surveillance technologies. Facial recognition cameras, emotion detectors, citizen rating systems, autonomous drones… A security obsession that in some countries is giving rise to a new form of political regime: numerical totalitarianism. Orwell's nightmare.

Dirty Money: The Wagon Wheel

Wells Fargo was long seen as the 'golden child' of banking. But former employees detail the ruthless and fraudulent practices that fueled its growth.

Dirty Money: Slumlord Millionaire

As Jared Kushner rose from real estate heir to White House adviser, reporters and housing advocates uncovered disturbing patterns at his properties.

How to Be a Good Wife

Paulette Van Der Beck and her husband have been running the housekeeping school of Bitche in Alsace for many years. Their mission is to train teenage girls to become the perfect housewives at a time when women were expected to be subservient to their husband. After the sudden death of her husband, Paulette discovers that the school is on the verge of bankruptcy and has to take her responsibilities. But while preparations are underway for the best housekeeping competition TV show, she and her lively students start questioning their beliefs as the nation-wide protests of May 1968 transform society around them. Reunited with her first love, André, and with the help of her eccentric stepsister Gilberte and strict nun Marie-Therese, Paulette joins forces with the schoolgirls to overcome their suppressed status and become liberated women.