Cyborg: Deadly Machine

Cyborg: Deadly Machine

In an apocalyptic future, a group of hunted resistance fighters led by Stacy try to find a simple chef named Alex Rayne, who holds the key to the annihilation of the cyborg army, controlled by Magnatron Corp.


In an apocalyptic future, a group of hunted resistance fighters led by Stacy try to find a simple chef named Alex Rayne, who holds the key to the annihilation of the cyborg army, controlled by Magnatron Corp.

Cyborg: Deadly Machine Movie Poster

Cyborg: Deadly Machine poster 0

Cyborg: Deadly Machine Cast & Crew

Production Company: Masebrothers
Country: France
Language: French
Budget: 12000
Runtime: 50
Adult: No
Genres: Science Fiction, Comedy, Action
Release date: 2020-11-06

Cyborg: Deadly Machine – Trailer

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