

Taking place at an internet startup company specializing in quirky and offbeat news. When a story of an unmovable apple inexplicably goes viral, the entire team must focus their full energy on understanding the true nature of the phenomenon. Is it mass hypnosis…or a glitch in the very code of the universe?


Taking place at an internet startup company specializing in quirky and offbeat news. When a story of an unmovable apple inexplicably goes viral, the entire team must focus their full energy on understanding the true nature of the phenomenon. Is it mass hypnosis…or a glitch in the very code of the universe?

Immotus Movie Poster

Immotus poster 0

Immotus Cast & Crew

Production Company: Bellanova Films
Budget: 56203
Adult: No
Genres: Science Fiction
Release date: 2022-01-21

Immotus – Trailer

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